OCTC: Okolona Career & Technical Complex
The Okolona Career & Technical Complex (OCTC) is located at 605 N Church St in Okolona, MS. The OCTC offers classes in the fields of Teacher Academy, Health Sciences, Welding, Hospitality, Marketing, Carpentry and Construction, Stem, and ICT 1 & 2. The OCTC serves two schools, both Okolona High School and Okolona Middle School. The staff of OCTC consists of a director, counselor, student services coordinator, as well as eight certified instructors. The courses offered are primarily block or two periods with the exception of the computer class housed on the high school campus.
Students who take Career and Technical classes take the Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System also known as the MS-CPAS. It is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) assessment used to provide a fair means of establishing accountability for both the secondary and post secondary CTE programs. Using a student-centered approach, a trained writing team of program area experts work together to design an assessment. Their goal is to accurately evaluate each CTE program. In keeping with national guidelines and our commitment to continual improvement, items on the assessments will be tested for validity and reliability. Assessments are aligned with the CTE program’s curriculum and are revised on the same four-year cycle as the curriculum.
The Okolona Municipal Separate School District is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of the Okolona School District Board of Trustees not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment practices.
The Okolona Career and Technical Complex is pleased to announce that Mr. Joseph Tackitt was selected as the 2022 Teacher of the Year. Mr. Tackitt is a native of Pontotoc, MS. Mr. Tackitt teaches both Carpentry and Construction to students in grades 9-12. Mr. Tackitt is in his 8th year in the education field with this being his sixth year in the Okolona School District.