Educators » LBPA-Literacy Based Promotion Act Annual Report

LBPA-Literacy Based Promotion Act Annual Report

Literacy Based Promotion Act Annual Report of Performance and Student Retention

The Literacy Based Promotion Act (LBPA) was enacted to improve the reading skills of Kindergarten through Grade 3 students enrolled in  public schools so that every student completing the 3rd grade is able to read at or above grade level. This report displays the components  required under MS Code 37-177-17 of the LBPA, which include the number and percentage of students: scoring at each performance level on  the state assessment in reading and math, taking the alternative assessments (retest) , being retained at each grade level Kindergarten  through 8th grade, passing for good-cause exemptions; and any revised district policies for promotion and retention. 

 District: Okolona Seperate School District (0921) School Year : 2022-2023 Level 4 and 5 indicate proficiency 

Students Promoted by Good Cause Exemption 







Local School Board Promotion / Retention Policy:  

▓▓ A. Limited-English Proficiency with less than two Years in  English Learner Program. 

▓▓ B. Students with disabilities for whom participation in  statewide accountability system is not appropriate. 

▓▓ C. Students with disabilities receiving two years intensive  remediation or previously retained. 

▓▓ D. Students tested on an alternative assessment (for 2022 -2023 this is an alternate form of the 3rd Grade MAAP-ELA). 

▓▓ E. Students receiving two years intensive remediation and  previously retained for two years. 

TOTAL Policy Revision Date : 08/08/2016